Мобільний додаток

Клас предмета

За замовчуванням

Секретна зброя

Ліміти Float value

collection_iconThe Ancient Collection
collection_icon Випадає з 3 кейсів

Мінімальна ціна

$ 0
Подібні предмети
AK-47 | Panthera onca (Field-Tested)
$ 185.14
AK-47 | Panthera onca (Field-Tested)
$ 185.14

AK-47 | Panthera onca

Про AK-47 | Panthera onca

Влучання по тілу44 / 34
Влучання у голову143 / 111
Плата за вбивство$ 300 / $ 150
Магазин30 / 90
Ціна в середині гри$ 2700
Діапазон точності22 m
Темп стрільби600 shots/min
Швидкість бігу215

Skin history

AK-47 | Panthera onca appeared in CS:GO on December 3, 2020. The skin belongs to The Ancient Collection that was added to the shooter with Operation Broken Fang.

Pattern features

The receiver of the weapon features a menacing jaguar (Panthera onca) with paws touching the magazine and the pistol grip. The buttstock and forend are adorned with patterns of leaves and curled stems, reminiscent of flames and tentacles, respectively. The magazine, receiver, rear sight block, and barrel are covered with a camouflage pattern.

Effect of float

Float Value of AK-47 | Panthera onca can vary between 0.00 and 1.00, allowing the skin to be obtainable in any exterior quality category. As the float value increases, the rifle gradually darkens, and the paint gets erased along its edges. At maximum float values, the camouflage pattern disappears on the magazine, revealing a pattern with a plant and a small jaguar.

Rarity and popularity

AK-47 | Panthera onca belongs to the “Classified” rarity grade and doesn't have souvenir variants or variants with the StatTrak kill counter. The skin is not popular among CS2 players.


Клас предмета

За замовчуванням

Секретна зброя

Ліміти Float value

collection_iconThe Ancient Collection
collection_icon Випадає з 3 кейсів

Мінімальна ціна

$ 0
Подібні предмети

AK-47 | Panthera onca

Про скін

Про AK-47 | Panthera onca